Let Love Lead
The Relationship Retreat
I am delighted to announce that The Artist Coach & Author of “Pourings of Love” Samantha Hurst and myself are joining forces and we are delighted to invite you to come and hang out with us online, for 3 hours in a small group exploring relationships!
Dates: Sunday Morning 20th October 2024
Time: Spain (CET) 11:00 – 14:00 – UK (BST) 10:00 – 13:00
Location: Zoom (Online – link sent upon booking)
PRICE: €39 – Limited Spaces
Whats It All About
UK Times – Start at 10:00 am (11:00 am Spanish)
10:00 – Welcome & Connect
10:30 – What is Love?
11:15 – Coffee Break
11:30 – Exploring Misunderstandings
12:15 – Reflections & Questions
Amanda remembers, “I innocently gave my power away in relationships for years because it really looked like other people could make me happy or make me sad, I was in love with love and felt like a queen of heartbreak, searching and seeking for my soul mate, feeling the amazing experience of ‘falling in love’ (again), being dumped, or me dumping, feeling the loneliness or the guilt…the patterns and cycles repeat…happy stories, sad stories, repetitive stories…It had never occurred to me to get curious about what was creating these stories. Why? Simply because nobody had ever pointed me in that direction.”
We would love the opportunity to nudge you to look there!

We will dive deep with a light touch into the subjects of Love ‘n’ Stuff.
What kind of stuff? Unconditional Love, Family Love, Romantic Love, Relationships, Falling in Love, Heartbreak, Recovery & Self-Discovery.
Introducing My Guest
SAMANTHA HURST, The Artist Coach
Sam’s Story
Hi, I discovered The Three Principles in 2013 after many years of searching for an answer to anxiety and depression. In 2014 I had a life-changing insight which changed my life forever which showed me that I have spent many years looking in the wrong direction for the answers to my problems.
The profound changes I experienced led me to become a teacher and coach of this profound life-changing understanding. I am now deeply committed to sharing this with others and guiding people back home to the light within them.
I now run a successful private practice as well as being a guest speaker at events and on webinars. I am also an author, artist and poet and have recently written the published book Pourings of Love which is available on Amazon Worldwide.
We would love to explore this with YOU. We really believe that we share the biggest secret in the world of Love, Relationships & Wellbeing!

Hosted by me (Amanda)
My Story
A little about me – I am a dedicated Loving Life Coach with over 25 years’ experience in the provision of Holistic Healthcare. I enjoy helping others to ‘fall back in love with life’ and I currently share The Three Principles, also known as The Inside Out Understanding with clients from all over the world with my coaching and retreat business “The Serendipity Experience”. This includes working with the youth, parents and teachers, online and in schools as an iheart facilitator.
The last 3 years have been dedicated to sharing this understanding of how our minds work with the world of Addiction and Recovery. I speak regularly at conferences and seminars and I had my own “life-changing” experience in 2013 after being introduced to some simple truths behind the creation of the human experience.
My infectious passion for life and the ability to see the innate wellbeing and resilience in people is reflected in an ability to connect to others and I hope my smiley disposition and loving manner will bring much positivity to this online retreat.

For more information or if you fancy a chat...
Call me today on: 0034 646 816 625
or you can email me any time on: amanda@theserendipityexperience.com
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